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Transforming Admiral's digital journey

The Digital team are responsible for transforming Admiral’s digital journey to meet customer demand for non-voice engagement and we embed that digital strategy into the business.

Since forming in 2019, we have been pretty busy and grown extremely quickly. Our work covers a broad range of our products, including motor and home insurance products, as well as Admiral Financial Services and Travel.


We are focused on digital delivery and are constantly looking at new technologies and channels to improve customer engagement.

We’re also responsible for ensuring our third parties are aligned to support our strategic goals and objectives.


The way our customers want to engage with us will always evolve and we pride ourselves on keeping up with the demand.

We are empowered to take ownership and find solutions, so it’s handy that we’re a curious bunch who are eager to improve the customer journey.


We love seeing how our work has an impact across the entire business.

We’re able to deliver positive changes and there’s no better sense of achievement than watching our ideas evolve right in front of our eyes.

Our role is all about making our customers’ and employees’ lives easier through webchat, instant messaging, email and chatbots.

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